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Online Radio Jazz Moods Radio, Live Stream and high quality. Listen to the uninterrupted radio..

I didn’t kill him! I didn’t kill him! I want a lawyer. Yeah. Go get yourself a really expensive one. . Hey! My software’s awesome, right? Sam, he confessed. For the security guard. Not for Raphaël ens. Why would he have tortured him? You’re the one torturing yourself. Could you geolocate Vasichek’s cell at the time of the murder? I suppose I can’t say no. Vasichek wouldn’t have tortured him. He’s too impatient. Did you see him? He’d settle it with a bullet to the head. Simonstraat, Anvers. So, it’s not him. No. That’s why he wouldn’t give us an alibi. He was robbing another jewelry store. In Anvers. Did you do this? No need to thank me, bro. It’s a gift. Take that app down, OK? When was your last relationship? Should I remind you what happened? Sam, you won’t replace their mother, OK? But don’t let it stop you dating! You’ll go rusty. Take that down. It’s a shame! There are some hot women. Who the kids would approve of. You brought the kids into this? Yeah! They were happy. They’re not down about it. That’s reckless. They’re kids. My kids. I see them more than you do. Right. You’re the good uncle and I’m the crappy dad. I didn’t say that. I’m just helping you out. You just look after them, OK? I’m not your minion! I’m done. Figure it out for yourself! Tom! Find another slave. Don’t be ! No, you don’t be ! Is this your life now? Alone, depressed? I’m not depressed. Besides, I won’t have time any more. I’ll be doing castings. OK. Sorry. Yeah, you’re always sorry. Dammit, Sam, do something! Don’t leave me now, I need you. NEW MESSAGE She’s a bit old. ! Can you stay a bit longer? What’s going on? Serial killer. Marc Descamps, , found by his wife, sat in front of his computer. I was having such a good time. A guy? No, three. Online games. I was about to thrash them, level . He looks fresher than the other one. When did he die? No more than four hours ago. Gregor Vasichek was with us. He didn’t do this one either. She’s gonna spend the whole night with that guy. Not a bad Clicker date! I was away for the weekend with the kids. At our country house. Your husband didn’t go? No. No, he had work. He had an urgent case file.
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