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Online Radio Energy FM – Dance Music Radio, Live Stream and high quality. Listen to the uninterrupted radio..

and my wife will be next. You killed Alexandre Desmet for revenge. He was going to get my money back! If he’s dead, what the do I do? I’ll need to know your whereabouts. For yesterday. Sam. There’s no point. He could’ve prepared the attack and an alibi. That’s protocol. It’s ridiculous. Right, can I go now? No. We’re keeping you in a bit longer. To go through your connected devices. For ‘s sake. What was that? What? Contradicting me in front of a suspect! It’s fine. No, it’s not! What did Sophie Leconte’s mom say? Sophie still lived with her. Her mother says that she wasn’t that social. The mother was at the window. She saw a car. A Mercedes Cabriolet. Sophie was in tears, but her mom doesn’t know why. That’s it. And for Wim Peters? Nada. According to his grandson, he led a quiet life. He wasn’t rolling in it. So, we can discard inheritance stuff. We don’t have much. MOM Mom? Your dad says you stole money from him. No, Mom, it’s phishing. Listen, Billie, I don’t understand. Give that paper back to him. You can print it off again. Billie, he needs that paper. SAINT ESTIENNE HOSPITAL HEALTH FORUM Mom, I’ve got work to do. I don’t know when I can come round. As usual. OK. In half an hour? It was the operator. The GSM used for the hacking was geolocated at Saint-Michel Hospital. Courtoy’s hospital? The calls came from his office. So? Miguel Pons’ lawyer is right. There are no grounds for custody. Where are we going? So, what’s going on? The last call the victim received. The one that went boom. Came from you. I don’t understand. Can you elaborate? Your cell phone was used to make the call that triggered it. Where were you at : p.m. yesterday? Operating. You can check. I don’t take my cell phone to the OR. You could’ve scheduled the attack. “Scheduled the attack”? Yeah. Can we see your cell? Yes. I don’t understand. Why? It may have been hacked. Hacked? By who? How? Why? That’s what we’re finding out. We’ll continue this later. Come. Could I just. No, I’m keeping it. What’s wrong? A ransom demand. , euros. That’s what they want. In Bitcoins. Instructions TBC. It’s a virtual currency, there’s no tricking them.
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