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Online Radio Veterans Radio Net, Live Stream and high quality. Listen to the uninterrupted radio..

That’s nanny. Say hi. Ma’am, he is adorable! We’ll go ahead. Of course he got our looks. Go ahead, sir. [Maxene] Welcome to Manila, baby. [Edward] Hey, buddy, we’re gonna have to adjust. It’s gonna be hot. But from now on, this is home. Okay? Yes. [Maxene] You want to swim tomorrow? [Edward] We still got a pool. Yes. Oh, I miss this place. [Edward] It’s been a while. [Maxene] It has. [grunts] Come on, buddy. You like it, baby? [Morri] There. Hi! Good evening, sir! Good evening. Where’s Maxene? She’s inside. Thank you so much. [overlapping chatter] [Elaine] My gosh. I wonder how she looks. [Morri] Where is she? [Elaine] Maxene! [screaming] [overlapping chatter] Wow! You still look good. You’re the talk of the town. Everyone’s been wondering what you’ve been up to. Is that true? Let’s go up to the den. [indistinct chattering] Elaine has a lot to tell you. What is it? Morri, you do the talking. Yeah, you know what? What? Girl, look at this website, Did you know that you were the topic of a guessing game among fashion fans? Yes, I’ve read that. There is one envious “frog” who said that the reason you vanished, was because you migrated to the States? [chuckles] Well, Elaine, his prediction has some truth to it. We all know that I chose Edward and Elmo and I have no regrets. And I was a fulltime mom to this beautiful baby boy, and that’s him right there, as you can see. What? Oh, my gosh. He’s so cute! [overlapping chatter] He looks like me. Excuse me? [Maxene] Of course not, he looks like me. There’s no nanny there, huh. Unlike your perks here. Oh my gosh, I wanna meet him. Honestly, it was a lot of work. But I was very happy. But wait, girl, don’t you miss modeling? [sighs] [sighs] [sighs] Hon. Are you contemplating on getting a consultation with me? You saw that? I did. Let me just say, hon. Your body is every inch as perfect just the way it is. Don’t patronize me. I’m not. Hey. You know I’m not. Um, hon, hon, please, not now. Oh, come on, please. I’m fertile. Perfect. What do you mean “perfect”? Perfect, hon. Look, hear me out. Elmo is big enough to be a big brother now.
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