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. We can do whatever we want. But none of it is why we come together. In the end, when we’re training, together or alone, none of that stuff matters. Only the essence, the moment, the movement, and the memories. I don’t know, the tour’s amazing, man, who wouldn’t want this life? It’s the best life, and it’s, it’s doing good things. Simple as that. It’s kind of strange to be in this place where I’ve completely met my life goal, where I could make a career out of this and just focus on this and nothing else. And it’s brought so much happiness to my life that I never could’ve gotten from anything else. To be on this tour, it’s, it’s first of all, that friendship. It’s sharing those moments with the people I love, that’s it. It’s tour life, Tour life! Oh God! Ah! I’m so grateful for this opportunity to be able to travel around America, wake up in a new city, see new people, see new spots, and train. It’s been a dream of mine for as long as I’ve been training. It’s so sick. Yeah, and liberating. I’m very grateful for it. Every single person on the bus is ingrained in parkour, so we all train together, we all move in a similar way. Styles might be different, but the movement’s still there, and some might focus more on this aspect, some might focus more on this aspect, but the movement’s still the same. That’s what I love about what I’m doing in my life just because I can travel and meet new people, and those people becoming not even just your friends, they’re like, more like a family. And I feel like I can go anywhere pretty much in the world and just stay with someone, or find friends and just message someone and just meet up and do some cool and fun stuff, you know? So yeah, I guess our sport isn’t terrible. The one thing that’s really nice about especially the tour itself, is the idea that wherever we are, I still kinda come back to my own, I still kinda come back to normal, and I’m gonna do free running, we’re all gonna do free running. We’re all going to have that one thing that connects us, together. And it’s basically movement, you know? We’re not just going there to sight-see. It’s not a tourist-y trip.

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