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It was a win-win. Oh, look at that. Who figured that whole thing out? The hairdresser. Mm-mm. The hairdresser. I got you! Jesus! Oh, my God. It’s just like Death at the Library! What happens in Death at the Library? They died. That’s why it’s called Death at the Library. Nick, what are you doing? We are going to push this over on the count of three, and then we’re gonna run. We’re gonna what? Don’t you trust me? No! Ready? One! Two! Three! Oh, look! There! Oh! Sorry! Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. Come on. Is that. Is that Juan Carlos? Juan Carlos! Hey! Hello! Juan Carlos! How am I? No, no. Suzi! Suzi! Suzi! Suzi! Which way is Suzi? Married to Malcolm. You two married! Good! No! No! Suzi vidisti? Putamus esse illa interfectorem. Yes! Latin, baby! Still the international language! I got it! . Oh! Yeah! Where’d she go? She was right there. You should have never come to Lake Como. Wait a minute. We know about you and Cavendish. You know nothing. We know you’re still in love, and we know that love is tough without money. Isn’t it, Suzi? I’ll take your word for it. You’re the one whose shoes still got a sticker from Marshalls on it. They have name brands now! How dare you? They have name brands now! How dare you? What? These are from Target. How could you not tell me? I don’t look at your. Shut up! Oh! Suzi, don’t. Please, don’t do this. No matter what you do, you’re not gonna be safe. I’m telling you. One murderer always double-crosses the other murderer. She reads the books. It’s just a cliché of the genre! I’m telling you! Hey! Halloween! No, no, no! Oh, my God! Go, go, go! Cavendish, you move, I’ll blow your head off! Shoot at him! Oh, babe, you’re the worst shot! Those were warning shots, honey! Oh, yes! I go fast! Go! Ambulance! Emergencia! Oh! Okay, Suzi. You’ve gotta tell me who did this. Slow down. Don’t use your words. Let’s charade it, okay. Just tell me with your hand. Uh, claw. Bear claw. No. Grizzly bear claw. Oh! Chewy. Chewy. So it’s Sergei? No, Sergei’s dead. Hey! Have you got tires on your feet? Good God! Spooning. Eating. Uh. Ice cream. No, no. Gelato. Gelato? Oh, God.
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