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Online Radio MEATtransMISSION, Live Stream and high quality. Listen to the uninterrupted radio..

I will go up your arm with my finger, and you tell me to stop when you think I’m just at the center of your elbow, here. Go ahead. It’s here. That’s weird. Yes. It always works. Don’t stay here, go sleep over there. Does it ever occur to you that other people can like me? Other persons can think I’m desirable. It happens, you know. People can think I’m sexy. Seduce me then. Does Nathalie seduce you? Yes. She came here when I wasn’t here? Yes. Several times? Once. Come to bed. Did you have sex? No. How can I believe you? You’d a goat. Not a goat, Christelle. Not a goat. She is the only friend I have. If you cheat on me with her, if you her. me. Like this? I can’t. You’re trying to humiliate me. You want to see me down. That’s how you love me. I’m pregnant with you. You can’t be, Christelle, we haven’t had sex in weeks. I’m sure I am. You took a test? Yes. What was the result of the test? I am pregnant. So there is no doubt. No, no doubt. Look. I could think it’s not mine. You know it is. I know it is, but I can refuse to acknowledge my paternity. You wouldn’t do that. Are you okay? Did you hear us? Yes, the place is not soundproofed. Are you okay? I’m great. And you? Sit down. No. How long have we known each other? Nothing happened. We just talked. That’s what he said. And that’s what I say. It’s true. It’s the truth. My hands are shaking, I have a fever, I’m exhausted. It’s because you’re pregnant. Sit down. I broke up with Antoine. I broke up with Eric too. Then you can break up with me too. You must be happy. You are alone. All alone, that’s what you wanted. If you wanted to end our friendship, congratulations, you ended it. It wasn’t worth a thing to you. You can’t stand being loved. You can’t stop people loving you. People who want to marry you or have a child with you. But you hold on to people who want to leave you. I’m not responding. You are . You are hunched up. You are totally empty. You’re empty and emptying. I’m leaving. All the better. I will sleep here. I can’t stand it. My life is going to change. I’m going to have a baby. Bye then. Bye.

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